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How To Plan a Fete To Make It A Resounding Success

how to plan a feteAn annual Fete or Fair is a major fund raising activity for any school or community, requiring many months of planning to make the event a success.

Planning a school fete? Call Affordable Amusement for some great ideas. We can help you find show bags, fairy floss, amusement rides, crafts in fact most things you need is right at our fingertips

With both parents working long hours, it is getting harder and harder to find people willing to convene fete stalls. Markets are becoming an increasingly popular way to boost stall numbers at school fetes. and many schools now include these in their fetes, charging stallholders a fee and/or a percentage of takings.

A well set up market area will guarantee many additional visitors to your fete from outside your school community.

By inviting market stalls along you can increase the variety of items on offer as well as attracting the visitors from outside your school community.

Stall holders will pay for the privilege. Rates vary from $25 per site to $50 or 20% of their takings by way of commission, or a combination of both. – Keep your fees cheap to encourage more stall holders till you establish a reputation of success.

Organising a large event is a lot of hard work, but it is also a lot of fun and you will make many new friends. Getting involved in a school or community project is a very rewarding experience.

How To Plan A Fete – Some important advice for organisers

  • Ensure that you document everything no matter how trivial. This will help ensure not only your success but also future committees will always thank you.
  • On the day-Toilets – are there sufficient, close enough, are they open??? Who has the key???
  • Have plenty of bins/wheelie bins and hire a large dumper bin if necessary to avoid inconveniencing the school’s normal collection.
  • Have a good knowledge of electrical requirements for equipment, where is the switchbox located??? Do you have keys???
  • Make sure money collectors for stalls are known to all with no exceptions!!!!!!!!!!